On the occasion of the next DOT, the German Oriental Society will award the DMG Research Prize for outstanding research work by young academics in a field of Oriental Studies represented by the DMG.
The prize currently has a value of 5.000 Euro and may be shared. Suitable persons may apply on their own behalf or may be suggested by professors in Oriental subject areas. Applications and recommendations may be submitted at any time, but, at the latest, by the 15th of June of the year in which the DOT is held, to the First President of the DMG:
Prof. Dr. Stefan Weninger
Centrum für Nah- und Mittelost-Studien
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Deutschhausstr. 12
D-35032 Marburg
E-mail: weninger@staff.uni-marburg.de
The following papers should be included:
The presidium of the Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft chooses the winner. The prize will be presented during the following Deutscher Orientalistentag.
Prof. Philip Clart, Ph.D.
Universität Leipzig, Ostasiatisches Institut
Schillerstr. 6, D-04109 Leipzig
Tel.: (0341) 9737151
E-mail: clart@uni-leipzig.de
apl. Prof. Dr. Peter Stein
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Theologische Fakultät
Fürstengraben 6, D-07737 Jena
Tel. (03641) 94 27 14
E-mail: peter.stein@uni-jena.de