The representative conference of German Oriental Studies which is held in intervals of three to five years.
The Deutsche Orientalistentage are open to all German and foreign scholars; participation is not dependent on membership in the DMG. The Deutsche Orientalistentage therefore have a broader significance beyond the German-speaking area.
The work of the Orientalistentage consists of a limited number of interdisciplinary working groups and keynote lectures addressing a general framework; specialised subjects are treated and discussed in panels devoted to them.
A number of subgroups within the DMG hold their own meetings in or outside of the framework of the Deutsche Orientalistentage.
The 35th DOT well be held on September 8–12, 2025, at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Prof. Philip Clart, Ph.D.
Universität Leipzig, Ostasiatisches Institut
Schillerstr. 6, D-04109 Leipzig
Tel.: (0341) 9737151
apl. Prof. Dr. Peter Stein
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Theologische Fakultät
Fürstengraben 6, D-07737 Jena
Tel. (03641) 94 27 14