Please send messages about membership and changes of contact details to the First Secretary of the DMG.
Office of the DMG:
PD Dr. Peter Stein
Theologische Fakultät
Fürstengraben 6, D-07737 Jena
Tel. 03641/94 27 14
Membership of the DMG can be held by individuals, legal entities, and institutes involved in activities that are conducive to the purpose of the society. They do not need to be directly involved in Oriental Studies. Please send applications for membership in writing to the First Secretary; the presidium takes the final decision on whether to accept an application. Applicants not known to the presidium need to be recommended by two current members.
Membership fees applicable since 1 January 2020 (decision of the general assembly in Bamberg on 16 April 2019):
* As evidenced by a certificate due each year without prompting. In the absence of this certificate the treasurer will convert the membership into a regular one for Eur 70 from the following year onwards. Married members can apply for a family membership for 70 + 25 Eur (and will receive just one copy of the ZDMG).
** A-countries: the EU, Norway, Iceland, Great Britain, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong.
*** B-countries: all other countries.
Prof. Philip Clart, Ph.D.
Universität Leipzig, Ostasiatisches Institut
Schillerstr. 6, D-04109 Leipzig
Tel.: (0341) 9737151
apl. Prof. Dr. Peter Stein
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Theologische Fakultät
Fürstengraben 6, D-07737 Jena
Tel. (03641) 94 27 14